Want to Become RAWMI Listed?

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Raw Milk Institute (RAWMI) Listed farmers are dedicated to producing clean, safe raw milk. They develop a plan for managing the health and hygiene of their farm, and test their milk regularly to ensure compliance with the RAWMI Common Standards for low-risk raw milk. RAWMI Listing is the gold standard for raw milk producers!

Whether you are a micro dairy or sell raw dairy products across the nation, our team of experts can help you. RAWMI Listing is FREE for farmers! Farmers must be at least 18 years old in order to participate in our Listing program.

Here’s how the RAWMI Listing process works:

Watch or Attend Our Training

Get started by watching or attending our full 4.5-hour Raw Milk Risk Management Course. It is available on-demand here and broken into 17-segments for easier viewing.


The Listing application introduces your farm to RAWMI, providing basic details such as the size of your herd, on-site facilities, and your background in producing milk. Along with your application, send us photos and videos of your farm to give us a virtual walk-through of your pastures, loafing areas, milking parlor, milking equipment, bottling room, and milk chilling equipment.

Once we’ve received your application and photos/videos, we will schedule a Zoom meeting with you. This meeting will allow us to get to know you and your farm, as well as give you some pointers and tips before you develop your RAMP.

Meet with RAWMI


Your Risk Analysis and Management Plan (RAMP) will be unique to your own individual farm and conditions. The RAMP will establish basic criteria for biosecurity, animal welfare, animal management, nutrition, animal health, milking hygiene and product handling. By developing your RAMP, you will gain in-depth knowledge of potential risks in your own production system, so that you can produce low-risk raw milk.

Alongside developing your RAMP, you’ll write out your milking, bottling, and cleaning procedures in your Standard Sanitary Operating Procedures (SSOP) document. You’ll also develop a short list of measurable Critical Control Points (CCP) that are essential to your production of safe raw milk.

mentoring with rawmi

RAWMI will provide one-on-one mentoring along the way as you develop your RAMP, SSOP, and CCP. We will help you identify any potential trouble-spots for producing low-risk raw milk.

Test Your MIlk

Once your raw milk production system has been optimized, you will be ready to have your milk tested to ensure that it complies with RAWMI Common Standards for low-risk raw milk.

Once you submit your RAMP, SSOP, CCP, and test data, we will schedule you for a RAMP Review Meeting. At that meeting, we will review all of your documents and processes. Once you have addressed any feedback, we will take your Listing to our Board of Directors for final approval.

RAMP Review

Ready to get started? Fill out the form below.

Request to be a Listed Farmer

Common Standards

As a fundamental resource for both the producers and consumers of raw milk, RAWMI has carefully considered and published the following guidelines and raw milk production standards. These Common Standards took more than ten months to develop and were considered, commented on, and edited by an international group of medical doctors, PhDs, veterinarians, epidemiologists, scientists, food safety experts, nutritional consultants, researchers, raw milk producers, and finally consumers. A version of these Common Standards was adopted by the CDFA Small Herd Working Group and will be utilized as the standards basis for self-certification for California Micro Dairies.

These standards are not a guarantee of perfectly safe food. However, when followed diligently, these guidelines will dramatically reduce the risk of illness from consumption of raw milk and improve the safety of raw milk. The Common Standards serve as the basis for RAWMI farmer listing, and are a portal to a world of continued learning.

The production of safe raw milk is a long-term mission, never fully completed or fully perfected. There will always be something to learn and much to teach. As new information is discovered and technology evolves, these Common Standards may change to reflect that information and discovery.